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A Day in the Life of a Busy Author

While many people only see the end result of an author's efforts, there is so much more going on behind the scenes on any given day. Many authors are supporting themselves or their families with a full-time job while we get our careers off the ground which only serves to make our days even more compact. How do I manage it all? Coffee! Oh and lists. If I didn't have a to-do list and a schedule, I'd never accomplish a thing. Here's a typical day in the life of an author.

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13 Things I learned about publishing (and myself) in my debut year
If you have something you’ve always wanted to do, or a goal that has always felt like a bridge too far, remember how far you’ve come to be sitting where you are now and all that you had to overcome and learn and work around to get there. Creativity has no age limit and learning is a lifelong pursuit.
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