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I set my coffee down and jumped up from the couch. “I’m going to write that article,” I declared to my husband, then set to work doing everything but, trying everything I could think of to still my racing mind. Fifteen minutes later, I returned to the family room, shaking my hands at my sides. I’d just realized that, if I got it right, I could help my readers find the world I’d created. They could connect with the friendships I’d developed in that world. They could fall in love with my characters.
But then it came. The voice in my head that insists on being heard. That wants so desperately to be believed.
“What if they don’t?”
Friendship, like a well-tended garden, grows and transforms through different seasons of life. In the premiere episode of the "Silver & Gold Friends Podcast," my daughter-in-love, Bri, shares a heartwarming story that perfectly captures this transformation.
The Sensational Six remind us that friendship is a powerful force that can transform our lives. As Jenna discovers, having a strong support system can make all the difference in pursuing our dreams and becoming the best version of ourselves.
As we step into a new year, many of us are setting intentions and choosing words that resonate with our goals and aspirations. For me, the word of the year is "balance." In a world that often pulls us in multiple directions, finding equilibrium in various areas of life is both a challenge and a necessity.
While many people only see the end result of an author's efforts, there is so much more going on behind the scenes on any given day. Many authors are supporting themselves or their families with a full-time job while we get our careers off the ground which only serves to make our days even more compact. How do I manage it all? Coffee! Oh and lists. If I didn't have a to-do list and a schedule, I'd never accomplish a thing. Here's a typical day in the life of an author.
There's something magical about female friendships that bloom in our mature years. Like a well-tended garden, these relationships offer beauty, sustenance, and a space to grow. As we navigate life's...
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